let me get this off my chest

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Location: KY

I am happily married to Tommy. I have 2 awesome daughters. Macy is 7 and Bailey is 5. I am self-emploed as an accountant. I attend church at Farmington Church of Christ. I love to laugh, espically with good friends. I am truly blessed!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well, today it is 65 degrees outside. It is cloudy and humid and not good for my new short haircut. Tomorrow a front is coming through and bringing with it snow and cold. I am ready for a little winter. When it is nice and cold out, there is no humidity and my hair is so good. I do hate to wear a coat though.

This afternoon I am heading to Bowling Green to spend the night with my sweetie (Tommy of course) and then going to Lexington to the dr. tomorrow. I have TMJ. My jaw pops everytime I open my mouth or chew. Tommy cannot eat in the same room as me, because it drives him crazy. The dr. I see is a facial pain specialist. He is famous. He has written several books and they have been translated into a bunch of languages. My intern that works on me is from Italy. (and yes, he wears Italian shoes)

I still have to get money from the bank, go to the post office, pack for the girls, me and the dogs, take the dogs to the kennel (pray that they don't get kennel cough), pick Macy up at school, take the girls to Granny's, do Macy's homework, take Harry Potter back to the library(not really the person Harry Potter, but the book) and head to Bowling Green. Wow, I'd better get busy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A New Day

Today is a new day. Thank you for all of the comments on yesterdays post. C3 made a good point about Rusty and Izzy. They need to start carrying their weight.

Today is dreary outside. This time of year is kind of depressing to me. December goes by in a blur of Christmas get togethers, shopping, eating and playing. Then it is January....the beginning of tax season. I love tax season. It is fun to get dressed up everyday and talk to actual people (not children or blog friends). Having money is another nice perk. Working 6 days a week and having your brain picked every single day is a major downside. Of course, where else could a person work 4 1/2 months and make a year's salary? I guess I have it pretty good. I love doing taxes. It is not as the stereotypical nerd punching numbers all day. I get to meet a lot of differnt people and I do have a lot of fun. Did I mention the money is nice?? It will be here in 5 weeks.

The girls were in awesome moods this morning. They are so much fun. Bailey was so excited, we pulled into Ms. Becky's driveway (the babysitter) and her Daddy D (Tommy's dad) was going for his morning walk, so she got a big hug and kiss. Macy is pumped about her Christmas program at school. It is Dec 15th. She is learning a song and will sing it that day along with all the other first graders. I get to get my hair cut and colored today. It is so ugly right now. After 12:30 I will look pretty again. I am up in the air about letting it grow or cutting it shorter. I tend to do whatever my stylist tells me to do. She is really good at her job. She also has natural curly hair, so she knows what to do with my mop head. She is a fun person to be around. She and I will have an enjoyable afternoon together.

I didn't mean to bash all men yesterday. I just needed to get it off my chest.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Break-Up

Ok girls, who has seen "The Break-Up"? ( I know Bobbi has.) If you haven't here is the general plot of the movie. Jennifer wants Vince to WANT to do the dishes. This causes the break-up, then they have to live together until they sell their condo, all heck breaks out, etc. Got the idea? Now, who hasn't asked their spouse of the male gender to help you do something around the house? Why should we have to ask? Shouldn't they want to help on their own? Shouldn't they want to help the woman whom they love the most? Most of the time, we ask...you do what we ask, but you don't want to do it and it makes us mad that we had to ask for you to do it in the first place. (Is that a run on sentence??) I do things without asking. Somehow the clothes end up washed, folded and put up magically. How does that happen? Somehow the kids get bathed magically. Somehow the groceries get bought and put up and cooked, magically. I guess I am a magician. Ok, I confess, Tommy sometimes has to tell (not ask) me to iron his clothes. And yes, I do it, I don't want to, but I still crease those plants to the best of my ability. He does ask what is for supper. I will usually cook something, then again sometimes we have cereal. I don't want to clean the toilet. It is gross and makes me almost sick. I do it. I wonder what would happen if I stopped. Tommy would probably come and tell or ask me to clean the toilet. Why, instead of coming to me, wouldn't he just go ahead and clean it himself, he uses it just as much as me. We love you boys, we can't help ourselves. We want you to want to do sweet things for us. Sex doesn't count as a nice thing. Sorry!! We want you to want us to be happy. We want you to want to bath your children. Just think about it, ok??

Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas Shop @ Home

Man, I tell you what, it is awesome to Christmas shop in my recliner. I did have to get up to get my credit card, but boy...this is nice. I've always done a little on-line shopping and it is worth every penny of shipping that is required. The savings in gas and time (not to mention-nerves) are well worth the shipping fees. Although today I had free shipping. Yahoooooo!!!! I did my shopping at Bath and Body Works site. There are even more benefits to shopping on that site. You don't have to smell every single bottle of lotion, soap and shimmer in the store and leave with a major headache. So now I've saved time, gas, my sanity and prevented a headache. I don't like crowds. I would never ever shop the day after Thanksgiving, the day after Christmas or any other busy shopping day. I don't really even like going to the mall on the weekends. I prefer Tuesdays--no one is at the mall on a Tuesday. I usually have all of our Christmas shoping done by Thanksgiving. This year I am behind. I don't exactly know where I've lost control this year, but I have to get it in gear. I usually start with a list of everyone who we have to buy for. Then as I buy, I write the gift by their names. This system has worked for several years now. I haven't even made my list of names yet. I am in big trouble. I will take any suggestions that you may have to remedy my Christmas shopping woes. Help!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

It is raining cats and dogs, I think I just stepped on a poodle!!!

It is really raining here. Bailey said she likes the rain because it makes her hair curly. She can always see the good in any situation.

Last night was bunco. Man was it fun. There are 12 of us that play. It is a fun group of girls. Misty, Bobbi and I are probably the blacksheep of the group. We always kind of end up sitting together and have the most fun together. Joelle fits into our trio as well. She just needs to let loose a little more.

Speaking of Misty and Bobbi.....the two of them have been friends for a long time. I feel very lucky that they both like me, or they might kick my butt!!!! No, I do feel very lucky, because they treat me like one of them. They are fun to be with. It's funny how life works out sometimes. A year ago, I didn't really have any friends in Mayfield. Now, I would consider Bobbi one of my closest friends. We can talk about ANYTHING!!! Misty, I like a lot, I just don't see her as much. I am fortunate to have the two of them as my friends.

Payroll is due today. I have one account that is always last minute. I started calling this guy last week, before we went to Hilton Head. Yesterday I called to remind him that I had to have his books today. He said he would have them ready. Well, you know what?? I went this morning to get the books and they were not ready and he was not there. This frustrates me every month, but he is one of the best accounts (money wise) and I cannot afford to make him mad. All he has to do to get his books ready for me is put all receipts, check stubs, and 3 signed checks in a folder. Not too difficult right??? I guess it shouldn't bother me that his payroll will be late, if it doesn't bother him. I like to do things on time. When you are dealing with the IRS, that is a good rule to follow.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Back 2 the real world

Well, we are back from Hilton Head. We had a good time. It was relaxing and a lot of fun. This is a busy week, lots to do. No more eating out, resting, shopping, etc...now I return to the real world. Work, kids, dogs, house chores, etc.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you hadn't been in a certain place at a certain time? What you would be like, where you would be now? I do.

My mother died Nov. 4 1977. She was 38 years old. She had pancreatic cancer. How different would my life be if she had lived? Would I have looked the same? Sure. Would I have acted the same? Probably. Would I have grown up the same? No.

My mother and I are a lot alike. I don't know this, but I have been told. She loved to laugh and had a contagious laugh. She loved to sew and made a lot of my clothes. She had a big mouth, and it usually got her into trouble. She loved her family and friends and there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for one of them. I think she was pretty. She married my dad when she was 18 years old. Had Sheryl 9 months later. Then Susanne came 3 years later. My mother tried and tried to have me. She had several miscarriages and 12 years later I came along. I was the world to her. She was a hard worker. She worked in a clothing factory. She loved Elvis. The day he died my sisters and dad rushed to the hospital (she spent the last few months of her life there) to tell her about Elvis. They didn't want her to hear it from someone else. She was diagnosed with cancer in May and died in Nov.

I think I would have had a more peaceful life.
I think I would have been happier.
I think I would have been loved more.

With all that said, I think about my life now. My mother would be an awesome grandmother. My girls know about her. They know she was my mommy when I was little and she is in heaven. They call her Grandmother Grace. When I think about my girls, I wish they knew her. I wish she could sew their clothes and play with them.

It has been 29 years. I wonder about her everyday. I still miss her.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Puppy Love

This is a picture of Izzy and me on Halloween. She was a pumpkin. Let me tell you a little about our dog Izzy. She is a 6 month old Yorkshire Terrier. She gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "lap dog". She loves to sit in your lap. She is a very happy dog. She is well behaved and so very sweet. She has made me very happy. I look forward to coming home everyday because she is so happy to see me. Of course, she is happy to see Tommy or the girls or probably even a complete stranger. She is really pretty too. She has a great coat of hair and absolutely hates to be brushed. She growls and attacks the brush. She is cold natured and shakes when she goes outside. She is as close as you can get to a perfect house dog. She does not shed, unless she is brushed. We love her so much. She shares our home with Rusty the Pug. Rusty is almost 8 years old. He is a black pug. He is so easy going and laid back. He is my boy. He will eat anything that drops to the floor, except for banana. His favorites are carrotts and apple. He has been a part of our family since we began. He has always been so sweet to our girls. He is pretty perfect except for the fact, he sheds everywhere and he has a knee issue.

Do you have a pet story? Tell me about your favorite pet?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Forgetful, Fever and Fish

I left my computer at work Friday. I have kind of had internet withdrawl. It was tough, but I survived the weekend. I really feel like I am out of the loop, but now I will re-enter the world wide web family.

Macy had a fever all weekend. Poor baby. She missed her Fall Festival at school. She didn't leave the house all weekend. She was better last night and today, she did go to school. No school tomorrow, it is election day!! Don't forget to vote. It is our right and you can't complain if you don't get to the polls.

I had one awesome blog to post over the weekend. I will try to sit down and post it sometime soon.

Today is work!! Who doesn't enjoy a little payroll, bookkeeping and a couple of tax returns?? Tonight we are having dinner with some of our friends. It should be fun. Fish is the main item on the menu and Bobbi does not eat fish. I made her eat fish once in the past, I will try again tonight.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Grouchy, Sleepy and Mommy

Macy is grouchy. Bailey is sleepy. I am Mommy.

It has been a nice day of cleaning, etc at home. A little trip to Wal-Mart and to get Macy from school and all heck breaks loose. Macy is in a terrible mood. Bailey is pleasant, but sleepy. I sent them both to their room for a 45 minute rest before it is time for homework and time to go eat supper.

Yesterday Bailey and I spent most of the day at the country club folding newsletters and bills. Bailey put stamps on the envelopes. It was fun. We actually ganged up on Jeremy and forced him out of the office most of the day. Tommy missed out because "snack shop girl" was there too. She is a 17 year old girl who, in the summer, works at the snack shop at the cc. She is really pretty and has a great body. (Who didn't when they were 17.) She is also very nice, so she is really sickening.

Tonight it is supper at Los Pinos, with a rep and one of Tommy's customers. Yum Yum.