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Location: KY

I am happily married to Tommy. I have 2 awesome daughters. Macy is 7 and Bailey is 5. I am self-emploed as an accountant. I attend church at Farmington Church of Christ. I love to laugh, espically with good friends. I am truly blessed!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Grouchy, Sleepy and Mommy

Macy is grouchy. Bailey is sleepy. I am Mommy.

It has been a nice day of cleaning, etc at home. A little trip to Wal-Mart and to get Macy from school and all heck breaks loose. Macy is in a terrible mood. Bailey is pleasant, but sleepy. I sent them both to their room for a 45 minute rest before it is time for homework and time to go eat supper.

Yesterday Bailey and I spent most of the day at the country club folding newsletters and bills. Bailey put stamps on the envelopes. It was fun. We actually ganged up on Jeremy and forced him out of the office most of the day. Tommy missed out because "snack shop girl" was there too. She is a 17 year old girl who, in the summer, works at the snack shop at the cc. She is really pretty and has a great body. (Who didn't when they were 17.) She is also very nice, so she is really sickening.

Tonight it is supper at Los Pinos, with a rep and one of Tommy's customers. Yum Yum.


Blogger Tommy said...

And the house sure looks good.

3:54 AM  

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