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Location: KY

I am happily married to Tommy. I have 2 awesome daughters. Macy is 7 and Bailey is 5. I am self-emploed as an accountant. I attend church at Farmington Church of Christ. I love to laugh, espically with good friends. I am truly blessed!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Blazing Crap

Every once in a while, Tommy tries to catch me up on important things in life.

To start, TiVo has changed our lives. We never have to remember to set the VCR, or rush to change tapes. No more missing the season finale of Alias because someone forgot to set the VCR. Although I love TiVo, Tommy uses it to enrich my life.

I have seen all of the Porkey's movies. He was so excited to have them all recorded to watch. It was really terrible. A few weeks ago he recorded Blazing Saddles. I have never seen it, so Tommy has been chomping at the bit for us to watch it. Tonight was the night. It was so bad. Parts were funny..not really but so dumb I did have to chuckle. Even though Tommy holds some movies in higher regard, than I; he has introduced me to some really great movies. I love Lonesome Dove. That is one of my all time favorites. I would have never watched it without Tommy making me. We watched it a long time ago. It was before kids, dogs, and marriage. So he is good at movie picking sometimes.

Tomorrow night we are going to a murder mystery dinner at the country club. It is set in the 1920's. I have a flapper dress to wear. Tommy has a zoot suit. He thinks he will look funny, I think he will be right in style. He does look a little like a black pimp. Pictures will be posted after the party. I even have a part in the mystery. I am Natalie, sister to the Northside mob boss, I am in love with the Southside mob boss. This should be so much fun. I am really looking forward to it.


Blogger Tommy said...

It's Porky's. I can't believe you messed up a classic. Also remember Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Quite possibly the best movie of all time. Even I'll admit, they were all better when they were original and not old.

7:22 PM  
Blogger paul said...

I've never seen Blazing Saddles either but I have heard about it all my life. The murder mystery sounds like a lot of fun. Tommy is really giving you an education there!

7:26 AM  
Blogger JD said...

Blazing Saddles is a hoot...great social satire. Plus beans around a campfire...and an over the top it! Just about anything by Mel Brooks is great ... with some notable exceptions like Spaceballs...bah! Young Frankenstein is awesome. Also there was one that featured Mel and his wife that is not one of his most popular, but one I liked a lot called "To Be or Not To Be". History of the World...woo!

4:47 AM  

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