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Location: KY

I am happily married to Tommy. I have 2 awesome daughters. Macy is 7 and Bailey is 5. I am self-emploed as an accountant. I attend church at Farmington Church of Christ. I love to laugh, espically with good friends. I am truly blessed!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas Shop @ Home

Man, I tell you what, it is awesome to Christmas shop in my recliner. I did have to get up to get my credit card, but boy...this is nice. I've always done a little on-line shopping and it is worth every penny of shipping that is required. The savings in gas and time (not to mention-nerves) are well worth the shipping fees. Although today I had free shipping. Yahoooooo!!!! I did my shopping at Bath and Body Works site. There are even more benefits to shopping on that site. You don't have to smell every single bottle of lotion, soap and shimmer in the store and leave with a major headache. So now I've saved time, gas, my sanity and prevented a headache. I don't like crowds. I would never ever shop the day after Thanksgiving, the day after Christmas or any other busy shopping day. I don't really even like going to the mall on the weekends. I prefer Tuesdays--no one is at the mall on a Tuesday. I usually have all of our Christmas shoping done by Thanksgiving. This year I am behind. I don't exactly know where I've lost control this year, but I have to get it in gear. I usually start with a list of everyone who we have to buy for. Then as I buy, I write the gift by their names. This system has worked for several years now. I haven't even made my list of names yet. I am in big trouble. I will take any suggestions that you may have to remedy my Christmas shopping woes. Help!!!


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